All submitted photos and videos will be reviewed by the webmaster before posting to the NW Region website.
Photos and videos must always be taken & posted with permission of the owner and subject (parents if a subject is a minor) and event organizer. Names of individuals, particularly minors, in the photographs or videos should not be listed.
Preferred photos and videos should include as many NW dancers at an event as possible.
Photos and videos must be inclusive. Photos that are exclusively of one dance school or dancer will not be accepted. (Rationale: These photos are better suited to the dance school’s webpage or Facebook page).
As a general rule of thumb, only photos and videos from SOBHD sanctioned events will be posted unless the dancer receives an award/placing of considerable recognition, such as placing high at the World or US Championships.
Exception: Participation in a notable performance, such as a Tattoo performance as these are not promoting any specific dance teacher or studio.
Exception: Photos from events (either dance-related or not) scheduled for the sole purpose of fundraising (e.g. for medical research or social programs) or community awareness.
Exception: Photos from SDTA/BATD scholarship events, so long as they are inclusive of all the NW dancers that participate (unless only one school attends).
Exception: Photos of dancers in costume at non competitive events not exclusive to one dance school.